Massive congratulations to the Pomona team for their run last week, and getting their corona-delayed production finally in front of live audiences. A big achievement all round.
But the wheel doesn’t stop turning here at KDC towers! It’s time to announce our autumn season shows, and your chance to get involved either by auditioning to act or backstage.
Autumn Season shows
First up, we have action-packed blood-soaked Shakespeare in Titus Andronicus. It’ll be a modern adaptation, exploring the dangers of revenge and how it can twist the intentions of everyone it touches.
Our second show will be Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons, about censorship and free speech in a world where people are limited to 140 words per day.
Auditions are free and open to all, and will be held 20 & 21 September in the evening. You only need to come to one audition and you can audition for both plays on the same evening.
Recalls take place on the evening of 23 September.
Attend whichever date suits you best, and you can audition for all 3 plays on the same evening.
Monday 20 & Tuesday 21 September 2021
7pm-9:30pm (registration from 6:45pm)
Theatre Deli, Broadgate. 2 Finsbury Ave, London EC2M 2PF
Titus Andronicus, by William Shakespeare Directed by Matt Aldridge and Jess Rogers Performance dates: 16-20 November 2021 Audition notice |
Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons, by Sam Steiner Directed by Lloyd Smith and Sarah Berryman Performance dates: 23-27 November 2021 Audition notice |
Meet the directors
Hear the directors speak about their project, and answer your questions at the Season Launch. You can also talk to them about getting involved in other backstage ways.
Tuesday 14 September 2021, 7pm
Theatre Deli, Broadgate (in the ground floor bar). 2 Finsbury Ave, London EC2M 2PF
Edit: Please note that due to unforseen circumstances, we are no longer able to audition The Bald Soprano this season.