More theatre next week

With the gory Titus Andronicus nearing the end of a sell-out run, fear not we still have more to show you!

Tuesday 23 – Saturday 27 November we have Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons at the Lion & Unicorn Theatre. Grab your tickets now while you can!

Devising Showcase

We’ve been running a super-secret experimental R&D acting group for the last 6 weeks, and as a little sweetener we’re showcasing a couple of scratch performances of what we’ve come up with. They will be after Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons performances on Tuesday 23 & Friday 26 November only. It is a free extra included with your Lemons ticket. If you come see Lemons on Tuesday or Friday, stay for the scratch!

More hoomans to show off!